
Posts Tagged ‘#competence’

Remember those beer commercials with two opposing crowds shouting “tastes great” and “less filling” at each other? The crux of the ad was that you had to choose which side you were on…your beer could only be one or the other…unless it was Miller Light, then it could be both. [Just for fun here’s an early commercial from the 1970’s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omB-HVs6sRw%5D

While researching a presentation on Likeability in Business (http://www.slideshare.net/KarenSouthW/likeability-in-business)
I discovered a similar divisive debate on the web: what’s more important social skills or job competence? It seems there are two camps; those who believe you can be intelligent and competent and those who believe you can be likable and charismatic. Somehow each side, at least the “vocal” ones on the internet feel it’s impossible to be both.

Like the beer commercials of the past, I believe you can have both—likeability and competence. I firmly believe you can be charismatic and smart; you don’t have to choose between social skills and job skills. Two things are required for this balance.
• First, you must invest in self-improvement. So many people consider themselves “done” that they fail to take advantage of new learning opportunities, constructive criticism or chances for growth. Don’t assume you are stuck being the way you are today.
• Second, build up your weaknesses but deal with the world from your strengths. Remember none of us can be everything to everyone. If you know where your natural talents lie, don’t hesitate to build your career in that area whether it’s solitary research or public speaking. Then work to balance your skill set and make yourself easier to work with and more attractive as a colleague.

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